Summer Flower Bouquets available now. Delivered on Friday the 14th of Feburary.
Gardener's choice - flower varieties and colours change as the season flows. I cut from the garden whats looking its best when harvesting for your bouquet. If you would like a specific colour included please note it below. We will do our best but can't guaratee it.
Photos are samples of recent arrangements.
Flowers can be picked up from our home based studio in North Eyre Road, Swannanoa.
Or order for our Friday delivery run into
Swannanoa, Kaiapoi and Rangiora.
Please leave a vase out with water to recieve your flowers if you will be out.
Other delivery days can be organised by email but will incur a delivery fee (there is an option at checkout)
Please allow at least 24 hours for your flowers to be picked. You will recieve an email when your flowers are ready to be collected or delivered.
Valentines Day - Seasonal Fresh Flower Bouquet
Pick up can be arranged for any day from our home based studio in North Eyre Road.
We do a one weekly free delivery run into Kaiapoi, Rangiora and Swannanoa areas. You can select this option at checkout.
If you would like delivery on a different day please get in touch, a delivery free of $15 applies.